Friday, May 27, 2005

Leaders - Lead

There is a difference between leadership and management. By definition, true leadership is focused on the achievement of specific goals, working to bring future opportunities into a reality today. This is not to say the leadership is single minded and myopic in its perception of reality. Rather to say that leadership, real recognizable leadership is the outward expression and the ability of a chosen few to visualize a (not THE) future, understand its potential impact and assemble others to bare the load and share in the development of creating the path that will ultimately determine the future. Leadership cuts through the drudgery of skepticism and sheds the negativity of doubtful minds in the quest to create a new opportunity. It is important to note that "leadership" is not a term that should be perceived as purely for the "good". There is an equal amount if not more leadership that is focused on "evil and destruction" but understand that the qualities of a leader are no less the same. What is different is the agenda and the goal. In many organizations you can look back on the successes and failures and see for yourself that there were leaders in both the positive role and the negative role of achievement. Some people may term the negative leaders as "devils advocates" or "pessimistic pragmatic critics". You have all seen this. For every positive statement in direction there are those who do not see it the same and will work aggressively or passively to prevent those goals from being achieved and by doing so the look to achieve their own goal of status quo or reverse productivity just to prove they were right and had the power to lead, all be it in the wrong direction. Leaders fight for what they want. Leaders take the hit for problems that occur while following their path. Leaders take responsibility for their actions and for the actions of their followers. Leaders with stand the pressure of opposition. Leaders are servants to their goal and their followers that make the path clear. Leaders stand up to be counted. In short, Leaders, lead. The key to success is know your leadership style. Are you a leader for the positive change or are you a leader for the status quo?

Sunday, May 08, 2005


After much consideration and research, I have decided to begin my own blog as a method to distribute my thoughts on todays business environment. Future postings will contain helpful information that will assist the average person in managing his or her career. In addition managers and leaders in both small and large organizations will find this blog insightful and entertaining whille it provides simple solutions to complex business issues.